First of all, I would like to thank you for your comments. I love reading them and I also love replying to them. But, the problem is that most of you are "noreply-commenters" which means that your comment is not linked to an email address. If you would like to check if you are no-reply and to change it, here is a post that explains you how to (it's in Spanish, but it's only a matter of choosing an option on your blogger profile, seeing the picture is enough)
Ahora, dime, ¿te apetece un café? ¿Sí? Así aprovecho y te enseño el súper mantelito que hice siguiendo el maravilloso tutorial de Ana Quilterbell. Ana lo explica muy clarito y una técnica que pensaba que era muy complicada, de repente se revela como una técnica entretenida y diría que hasta adictiva.
Now, tell me, Would you like a coffee? Let me show you my latest work. I made this placemat, following this wonderful tutorial by Ana from Quilterbell. It is very well explained, and a technique that I thought would be impossible for me to try has been unveiled, and now I consider it a very entertaining and addictive work.
Como tenía un cuadrado extra, decidí hacer otro acerico. ¿Qué te parece?
As I had an extra piece I decided to make yet another pincushion. What do you think?
Enlazo esta entrada a Personalización de blogs y a Nos vemos los viernes
I'm linking this post to Personalización de blogs and Nos vemos los viernes