Estos posts me abrieron los ojos
As I told you last week, I kept investigating and learning. The two posts that I found more interesting were these two:
Tea Rose Home
Prudent Baby
Esta vez compré el punto en rayas (tan marinero...) y corté una camiseta vieja. La adorne con una flor hecha con el mismo punto.
I bought a jersey knit in stripes and I cut an old t-shirt. I did a flower from a strip of the knit just by gathering it in a ruffle.
Cosí como hice con el vestido infantil: La tela con el doble de ancho que la cintura y el largo deseado.
En la cintura pasé un hilván y tiré del hilo de la canilla para encoger la tela y que encajara con el ancho de la camiseta cortada. Cosí las dos piezas derecho con derecho, con zig-zag y ya está.
I proceeded as I did the girl's dress from my previous post. I cut a piece from the knit twice as wide as my waist and long to my ankles. I gathered the waist with a long stitch and pulling the thread from the bobbin until it fitted the waist of the cut t-shirt. I sewed the two parts together with a zig-zag stitch and that's it!