
jueves, 24 de octubre de 2013

My blue and embroidery quilt / quilt azul con bordados

Esta es mi entrada para el bloggers' quilt festival organizado por Amyscreative side.
This is my entry for the blogger's quilt festival hosted by Amy's creative side
This blue quilt's pattern was designed by the talented girls at Authen-tic; they designed it as part of their mistery quilts

It includes both embroidery and classical patchwork blocks
As the quilt was blue I thought of taking the pictures by the sea, on the beach, but I thought twice and I finally took it to Ortiguera, Asturia's smallest fishing harbour.

The colour of the sea at this time of year is amazing

This was my summer project, it's 36 inches square. It was hand embroidered but machine sewn and quilted

I really love this spot. This autumn is being very mild and it's fantastic to sit by the sea. The rumour of the waves and their moving is hipnotizing
But while I was shooting I couldn't avoid turning round to depict the  fabulous green colours of the village.

28 comentarios:

  1. Precioso trabajo y preciosas fotos!

  2. Te ha quedado precioso! Me gustan mucho los tonos del quilt :) Un beso!

  3. What a beautiful quilt and wonderful photos. The blues match the water and sky perfectly.

  4. Love the colours of the quilt...looks even more perfect with the sea in the background

  5. That is such a beautiful place to take photos. And it works so well especially for this quilt.

  6. Que pasada de quilt!!!! Uno de mis prefes :)
    Besos guapa

  7. I guess we both love the beach huh? Beautiful shots.

  8. Just beautiful. Your hand work is amazing. Love the location. Makes the quilt even more beautiful.

  9. Me encantaaa!!!. que bonito quilt ::::los colores son espectaculares con el fondo del mar....
    Un abrazo,


  10. Beautiful quilt and lovely photographs :)

  11. Sonia, si con este quilt no ganas me tiro por la ventana!, vamos una preciosidad, las fotos geniales (aun no entiendo tu comentario del ultimo e-mail, son una pasada). Me tengo qeu apuntar a uno de los QAL de Authentic, del anio que viene no pasa!. Ah, y de paso, pero que bonita es Asturias!.

  12. Beautiful pictures of your quilt! It looks beautiful against those seascapes.

  13. Your photos of the quilt are GREAT!!! Your quilt is beautiful!

  14. I love the pictures of your sampler/mystery quilt at the seashore. Lovely!!!

  15. Bella foto e bellissimo quilt!!!!
    Ciao dall'Italia

  16. Great shots!! lovely way to show off that pretty quilt.

  17. Beautiful quilt! And the setting for the photos is perfect. Truly a vacation for the eyes.
    Have a great day.
    Always, Queenie

  18. Wow, that is a gorgeous quilt. Your photographs are really great!
    esthersipatchandquilt at yahoo dot com

  19. I looked at this quilt the other day on my phone--it's what I'm thinking of as "the other beach quilt" :) I love that first shot. It is an amazing photo of a gorgeous quilt; the background is blurred just so, and I love how the wind is blowing the quilt. Perfect.

  20. I love your photos and your quilt! The colours of the quilt are really set off by the colours of the harbour!

  21. What a beautiful spot, your lovely quilt looks beautiful by the sea.

  22. Beautiful quilt! I love to see quilts photographed by the water, especially when it accents the colors in the quilt like your photos show.

  23. Beautiful accumulation of classic blocks in a quilt and lovely hand embroidery. A beautiful landscape as backdrop for your quilt too.

  24. Cómo lucen los quilts rodeados de naturaleza, en tu caso, con un puerto tan bonito de fondo. Un reportaje genial. Enhorabuena. Besos!

  25. Preciosas fotografías, ....yo también hice este quilt con Authen-tic, ...me hago seguidora tuya y te invito a seguirme

